Friday, October 15, 2010

Another reason why I love our organic food delivery service!

We love SPUD, Small Potatoes Urban Delivery. Jon and I have used their service off and on for somewhere near ten years. Every week they deliver fantastic organic produce, milk, cheese, bread and a host of other products, right to our doorstep. The customer service people are ridiculously friendly and immediately responsive to questions and concerns. We have watched them grow from a small local business to an international concern and we couldn't be prouder.

OK - correction - we thought we couldn't be prouder. In my in-box this morning I found a message from SPUD related to Cancer Awareness Month, pink ribbons and all. But this wasn't a simple message reminding women about the importance of screening - it was a clearly written article linking a recent study on the critical role that lifestyle habits and diet play in cancer development with specific choices consumers could make. They have used this month to not just raise awareness but to educate on what we can do proactively to avoid this disease. One more sign that this isn't just a company - it's a community with a heart.

Here is a link to the article, complete with some perky pictures!

If you are interested in what SPUD can do for you, and you live in the lower mainland of British Columbia, portions of Vancouver Island, Calgary, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles or Portland, check them out!

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