Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's health links

I hope everyone is well and warm.

  1. Sometimes a cancer diagnosis isn't enough to get someone to stop smoking. Doctors, and loved ones, need to more actively encourage and support cancer patients to quit. CBC.
  2. Jonathan Levine, director of Seth Rogan and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's movie "50-50", says he underestimated how many potential viewers would shy away from seeing a movie about cancer. I don't know what excuse the rest of you are using, but I am still not interested in seeing movies about people dying from cancer. Spoiler - in this one, he lives! Now will you see it? I'm going to. From all accounts, it is a well-written, thoughtful film, that provides great insight into what the cancer experience is like. "50-50" will be available on DVD tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24. Winnipeg Free Press.
  3. Deepak Chopra on the role of prevention in the war on cancer. This can be hard to hear, but he asserts that some experts believe that 90-95% of cancers are preventable. So, as a cancer survivor do I feel blamed? A little, but I must admit that choices I have made (having children later in life, not maintaining optimal weight, drinking alcohol moderately) may be connected to the growth of my tumour. We all know healthy, fit people who have gotten cancer - but using them as an excuse not to take a hard look at how prevention may improve our odds is stupid. Huffington Post.
  4. "Pink Ribbons, Inc.", the film examining the pinking of the breast cancer "industry" opens in Canadian theatres February 3, 2012. Locally, for me, it will be shown in Richmond city council chambers Feb. 10 at 7 pm.  A panel discussion will follow.
Have a great week.


  1. Cyn, I have a review of 50/50 on my blog if you're interested. I really liked it. A few flaws in it, but it is a movie. Can't wait to see "Pink Ribbons, Inc." I hope it comes to my area. And I always start to squirm when the "blame game" starts up in regard to cancer. "Lucky for me" I get to blame my genes. Ha.

  2. I'll go read it Nancy, thanks!

    I hear you about the blame game - I don't have your "luck"! :-)
