Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Health links

Hey friends! Hope you are all well.
  1. Vancouver clinic helps women find out their own risk for breast cancer and ways to avoid it. Vancouver Sun.
  2. New blood test may help early stage breast cancer patients predict the risk of spreading or recurrence. Globe and Mail.
  3. Using Herceptin to help target chemotherapy in Her2+ women. Huffington Post.
  4. Disney bans junk food ads from its television channels and other kid-focused platforms. Woot woot!!! Globe and Mail.
  5. Apparently, chia is taking London by storm! I mean, if Gwyneth Paltrow is on board, how long till Jay-Z starts rapping its praises? London Evening Standard.
  6. POM Wonderful ordered to stop making health claims. AFP.
  7. Lightening up meatloaf! The Feed via Not Martha.
  8. If the sun could just be allowed to shine for a couple more hours (!) it will soon be strawberry season here in the Pacific Northwest! Click here to learn about why they are so great for you and head over to my recipe website for some great recipes.

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